Exquisite Transitions

Exploring the opportunities and gifts of changing times

Awakening Your Light Body by DaBen and Orin

In the spirit of releasing what is no longer needed and opening the doorway for newness, I am following an urge to purge…my bookcases that is. Among the things I’ve held onto for too long is a marvelous tape set that I purchased and used many years ago, “Awaking Your Light Body” by DaBen and Orin.

I am selling this six volume series, each volume has 6 tapes and 12 meditations. In addition there is a home study course manual, which I have used and has my notes in it, but you can certainly still extract the directions and questions to be answered from it. As part of this set I will also include a 2-tape set, also entitled Awakening Your Light Body, Level One  (Preparatory).

Volume I of VI

Your light body is an energy body that exists at a higher level, closer to your soul, than your chakras. You have seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers, for a total of ten centers that power and make up your light body.

The volume is called, Building Your Power Base, introduces the first three vibrational energy body centers (not chakras). With these first three centers you can regulate the amount of energy you take in from your environment, change less harmonious energies into higher ones and use all the energy around you to go higher. This is the power base of your light body.

The second volume is Opening Your Heart Center. You learn the fourth center with these meditations and it regulates the flow of energy into your upper centers. As you work with these centers, you may experience a stronger sense of personal power, ability to control your emotions, stay centered and release old blocks and stuck emotional energy, and respond with love and compassion.

The third volume, Activating Your Higher Energy Centers, takes you to the higher mental realms and other dimensions that are beyond time and space. As you work with these centers you can add light to your thoughts, open your channel to the higher dimensions, and connect with the higher aspects of the Universal Mind. You can experience many illumined states of awareness.

The fourth volume is for Aligning Your Vibrational Energy Bodies. You will learn how to create harmony and flow and how to combine certain centers to create specific heightened states of awareness. You will learn how to work with relationship and abundance issues as energy, bringing abundance and love into your life more easily. You will work with opening your channel to your Higher Self or guide.

The fifth and sixth volumes are Awakening Your Light Body and Becoming Radiant. Using these tapes your three light body centers will be awakened. You will become a greater and greater radiating source of light as you work with the light body centers. The light you radiate will create changes without your even trying — the people, situations and things you draw to you will be more aligned with your higher purpose.

Your light body opens doorways to the higher realms of light, such as the soul plane. As you awaken your light body you will learn how to get into states of consciousness where you can more easily choose actions that reflect the light of your soul and higher self. You can experience many illumined states of awareness in these journeys; states of consciousness that are deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of beingness. In these states you can see, sense, or feel the expansive energies of the higher dimensions and make them a part of your daily life.

You can research this series, still being sold in a number of places for $89 – $99 per volume, although in download or CD format, . For more information check out: Awakening Your Light Body Series.

Granted what I have to offer here is old technology audiotapes, but the results are the same! I would love to make these tapes available to someone who would truly appreciate their worth and use them to raise their vibrational frequency!

I am asking $222 plus the cost of shipping to you (to be determined at time of sale). If $222 is too much to plunk down all at once, contact me and we can work something out.


  Lightworker wrote @

I read all of Dabens and Orins books at the beginning of my journey into self and loved them all!!

  Rebecca wrote @

I never heard of Dabens and Orins. I’ll check them out.

  shamballa9944 wrote @

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for stopping by. You may well recognize a number of the books that Orin and DaBen have “written.” Please feel free to share your experiences or comments here any you are so inspired 🙂

  anna-marie blyth wrote @

i also have the complete set of Awakening your light body tapes for sale, only sets one and two have been opened. if you have sold yours and know of anyone else who would like to buy them please ask them to contact me
many thanks and best wishes

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