Exquisite Transitions

Exploring the opportunities and gifts of changing times

Does Anyone Still Question the Significance of the 9th Wave?

I shared on a blog that I had a kick ass start to the 9th wave on 3-9-11. By that I mean I was on my ass for 2 days! Went to bed feeling great on 3-8, only to be followed immediately by intestinal cramps, vomiting, etc, sweats, profound weakness, constant leg cramps…

All the while consciously saying, is this what the rest of the 9th wave will be like for me?? WT…hell? I considered 3D causes, yet none of them felt right. By the end of yesterday, 3-11-11, I came to the conclusion that I was sensing on the 9th what was about to manifest on the 11th–an 8.9 earthquake in Japan, global tsunami alerts, and nuclear power plant emergencies. Unlike others, I have never experienced this before (at least knowingly). But this time it was the only thing that felt “right.”

Time and again we have seen how it takes these kinds of tragedies to open humanities hearts wide and bring out our highest nature and generosity. Coming a heartbeat after the uprisings in the Middle East, revolts in the US, seeing the uptick in vibrational frequency is readily apparent.

What I am awed by is the reports, for example in Egypt, after 18 days of standing steadfast, they had a day of cleaning! In Japan, so many witnesses claimed the same thing: people remained calm.

That things are changing is clear, welcomed, necessary and inevitable. That people who are effecting and affected by these changes are handling things in “higher” ways, is to me, remarkable! THAT speaks to me about the underlying strengthening of the Unified High Heart of Humanity’s growing Galactic Consciousness.


  Slowvelder wrote @

I don’t even know what the 9th wave is?? I am so ignorant when it comes to these things!

  shamballa9944 wrote @


The 9th wave has to do with the Mayan Calendar. We entered into this wave on March 9, 2011, which is also known as the Universal Wave of Unity Consciousness.

There’s a lot written about leading up to this, as well as people who are writing about this since it began, and all that has happened already within the first 12 days.

Here is one link: http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/ninth_wave.htm to describing it.

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