Exquisite Transitions

Exploring the opportunities and gifts of changing times

Archive for Dreams

And the curriculum for tonight is…

Something quite interesting has been going on. It seems I’m undergoing some sort of “orientation” into other realms in the last week or so.

I have long been aware of “attending” various classes or seminars during sleep state, and periodically have some recall of this. Lately however there has been greater recall about the nature of the curriculum. Several nights ago I was paired with someone and we were in a realm of instantaneous experience of our thoughts and “words.” Nothing was “taught” in a traditional sense. We just noticed how things responded to our thoughts and after two or three such experiences it became clear to us that we were in this “special” realm. A label is unimportant to me, but I did enjoy the ability to simply think something into existence.

Then I expressed the thought: “I wonder how long they will let us play here.” That’s when I woke up. I realize upon reflection that this thought had an underlying doubt that I could simply continue to be here, that it was going to “end”–and so it did. Point made–lesson learned!

Last night was far more powerful however. While I don’t recall much detail, I was on some kind of experiential course in which every experience/ lesson was an exquisite orientation to a specific human emotion. It was pure, clear and like an experiential dictionary of human emotions. There was no judgment of any emotion–it simply was. Through each experience there was recognition of something I knew, yet it was as if this was the very first time I experienced it!


Just Feel It


At one point I woke as I had to go to the bathroom. I was so disoriented in the physical realm, I clearly felt that much of my consciousness was elsewhere and the sensations were clearly not of this realm. I was fascinated and pleased, and wanted to go back and explore more of this experiential “handbook” for being human.

Looking forward to discovering what tonight’s curriculum is!